...the way to power lies through the realization of helplessness; that
the way to victory lies through the admission of defeat; that the way to
goodness lies through the confession and the acknowledgement of sin.
Herein is an essential truth which runs through all life. If a man is ill,
the first necessity is that he should admit and recognize that he is ill,
and that then he should seek for a cure in the right place. The way to
knowledge begins with the admission of ignorance. The one man who
can never learn is the man who thinks that he knows everything already.
...the way to independence lies through dependence, and the way to
freedom lies through surrender. If ever a man is to be independent of
the chances and changes of life, that independence must come from his
complete dependence on God. If ever a man is to know true freedom,
that freedom must come through complete surrender to God.
...the way to bliss which the world can neither give nor take away lies
through the recognition of our own need, and the conviction that the need
can be met, when we commit to God in perfect trust.
Who is William Barclay? Barclay, 1907 to 1978, was an author, radio
and television presenter and a minister of the Church of Scotland. He
was also a Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University
of Glasgow in Scotland. Barclay is best known for his 17 commentaries
on the New Testament.
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